Atlas Chain

Atlas chain is a truly fast, permissionless, secure and scalable public blockchain platform.

Building atlas requires both a Go (version 1.14 or later) and a C compiler. You can install them using your favourite package manager. Once the dependencies are installed, run

    git clone
    cd atlas
    make atlas

Running atlas

  • Normal node

    example command: atlas <usual-flags> --datadir ./data1 --port 20201 --rpc console

  • Miner node

    Notify! It needs to become validator.

    It's best not to use eth,personal RPC When node is unlocked.

    If you need to use eth,personal RPC, it's best not to let anyone know in case someone transfers money without a password.

    example command: atlas <usual-flags> --datadir ./data1 --port 20201 --unlock 0x6c5938b49bacde73a8db7c3a7da208846898bff5 --mine --miner.etherbase 0x6c5938b49bacde73a8db7c3a7da208846898bff5

  • Other help

    Going atlas -h can get help infos.

Cross Chain Interface


a cross tx on the ethereum mainnet, the relayer which watch the ethereum will capture the tx and send the key information to the map atlas.

key info details:

type CrossTxProve struct {
	Tx      *BaseParams
	Receipt *types.Receipt
	Prove   light.NodeList
	TxIndex uint

type BaseParams struct {
	From     []byte
	To       []byte
	Value    *big.Int

BaseParams details: cross tx matedata.

parameter type comment
From []byte the sender of the transaction,use ethereum`s common package
To []byte the receiver of the transaction,use ethereum`s common package
Value *big.Int transaction value

‘CrossTxProve'.'Receipt' is a receipt of the tx from ‘""'.

// Receipt represents the results of a transaction.
type Receipt struct {
	// Consensus fields: These fields are defined by the Yellow Paper
	Type              uint8  `json:"type,omitempty"`
	PostState         []byte `json:"root"`
	Status            uint64 `json:"status"`
	CumulativeGasUsed uint64 `json:"cumulativeGasUsed" gencodec:"required"`
	Bloom             Bloom  `json:"logsBloom"         gencodec:"required"`
	Logs              []*Log `json:"logs"              gencodec:"required"`

	// Implementation fields: These fields are added by geth when processing a transaction.
	// They are stored in the chain database.
	TxHash          common.Hash    `json:"transactionHash" gencodec:"required"`
	ContractAddress common.Address `json:"contractAddress"`
	GasUsed         uint64         `json:"gasUsed" gencodec:"required"`

	// Inclusion information: These fields provide information about the inclusion of the
	// transaction corresponding to this receipt.
	BlockHash        common.Hash `json:"blockHash,omitempty"`
	BlockNumber      *big.Int    `json:"blockNumber,omitempty"`
	TransactionIndex uint        `json:"transactionIndex"`

‘CrossTxProve'.'Prove' is a prove generated by the MPT tree composed of receipts of all transactions in the block. the type of ‘Prove' used in ‘""'

// NodeSet stores a set of trie nodes. It implements trie.Database and can also
// act as a cache for another trie.Database.
type NodeSet struct {
	nodes map[string][]byte
	order []string

	dataSize int
	lock     sync.RWMutex

// NewNodeSet creates an empty node set
func NewNodeSet() *NodeSet {
	return &NodeSet{
		nodes: make(map[string][]byte),

‘CrossTxProve'.'TxIndex' the index of the current transaction in the block transaction list.